Go Kit #
Hayward Turbo-Flo 2000-2100 & Power-Flo 1500 Series

H2O#  9090120               PROtech#  Go-Kit12




Kit Includes
Aladdin Part #
OEM Part #

H2O # If Sold     Individually ***

1 Pump Seal AS-4702 SPX1500KA 9391239
1 Seal Housing AS-4702SH SPX1500KA Included w/Seal 9391239
1 Housing Gasket G-64R SPX1500H 9391215
1 Strainer O-Ring O-128 SPX1500W 9391311
1 Strainer Cover O-Ring O-139 SPX0710Z3 9094213
1 Strainer Cover O-Ring O-231 SPX1500P 9391287
1 Housing O-Ring O-237 SPX1705Z1 9094269
*** Item may not be from same vender as Go-Kit Vender
- Also includes a small 3 Gram Squeeze Pouch of 'Magic Lube'